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Carpool Procedures 2024

Our goal in creating these new procedures is to help get cars off of Westinghouse and into the traffic queue in a timely manner in order to help speed up our arrival and dismissal traffic flow. (See Map below)


We will have two entry points to the campus which will reflect the direction of traffic (Westbound or Eastbound) on Westinghouse Rd.  All Westinghouse traffic will be entering at either the Gateway entrance or the Sportsplex entrance.  Higgs Rd. will also have a designated entry point.

Sportsplex Entrance: (This will be used for all Eastbound traffic on Westinghouse Rd.)  All K-12 Parents will turn into the parking lot at the Sportsplex entrance and follow the queue through the parking lot, around the Student Union to the K8 Loop to drop their child off.  (see green queue on the map)

Gateway Entrance: (This will be used for all Westbound traffic on Westinghouse Rd. as well as Higgs Rd. traffic) All K-12 Parents will turn into the parking lot at the Gateway entrance and follow the queue through the parking lot, around the Student Union to the K8 Loop to drop their child off.  (see orange queue on the map)

**These two traffic lines will double up in the queue to get more cars off of Westinghouse as well as speed up the arrival process.**

*Student & Staff Entrance*

Staff and student drivers will enter the parking lot through the Gateway Entrance (see the blue queue on the map) and immediately turn left.  Student drivers will fill in this parking lot, and staff will drive through the parking lot, use the third lane of traffic to turn into the Student Union parking lot.  After construction of the new staff parking lot is complete, staff will use the third lane to enter into their new parking lot area. (see map for parking lot designations)

**Both Staff and Student Drivers MUST have their GCPS Parking Sticker visible on their front windshield. **

** ONLY Student Drivers will enter the campus at the Gym Gate.  All other students will get dropped off at the K8 loop.  The Student Union is NOT a drop off location. **


(We will follow the same queue as arrival.)

Sportsplex Entrance: (This will be used for all Eastbound traffic on Westinghouse Rd.) (At the appropriate dismissal time for Elementary (3:00pm) and Secondary (3:45pm) All K-12 Parents will turn into the parking lot at the Sportsplex entrance and follow the queue through the parking lot, around the Student Union to the K8 Loop to pick their child up.  (see green queue on the map)

Gateway Entrance: (This will be used for all Westbound traffic on Westinghouse Rd. as well as Higgs Rd. traffic)

(At the appropriate dismissal time for Elementary (3:00pm) and Secondary (3:45pm)) All K-12 Parents will turn into the parking lot at the Gateway entrance and follow the queue through the parking lot, around the Student Union to the K8 Loop to pick their child up.  (see orange queue on the map)

**These two traffic lines will double up in the queue to get more cars off of Westinghouse as well as speed up the dismissal process.**

Sibling Pick-Up: All Parents picking up sibling pick-up children will enter the parking lot at the Gateway Entrance and park in the parking lot as close to the gym as possible.  They will get out of their car, walk to pick up their children, and safely return to their vehicles.  Sibling Pick-Up Parents can then exit back through the Gateway entrance. (See purple queue on the map)

Student Drivers: All student drivers will exit their parking lot area through the Gateway Entrance or follow the third line of traffic out of the parking lot on the opposite side of campus.