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AP Exam Registration:

1. Register and pay for the AP Exam in Total Registration AP Registration Link
2. Register for the AP exams in the College Board's MyAP system with the Join Codes you will receive at the end of the Total Registration process.

Advanced Placement (AP) & Pre-AP Courses Overview

It is the practice of Gateway College Preparatory School to offer all core classes as College Board approved pre-Advanced Placement and Advanced Placement classes in our middle and high school programs. We believe all our students can be successful doing college preparation work while in our secondary school.

AP® is a rigorous academic program built on the commitment, passion and hard work of students and educators from both secondary schools and higher education. Taking AP classes will help our graduates stand out in the college admissions process and earn college credit while in high school.

Through AP courses, talented and dedicated AP teachers help students develop and apply the skills, abilities and content knowledge they will need in college. Each AP course is modeled upon a comparable college course, and college and university faculty play a vital role in ensuring that AP courses align with college-level standards.

More than 90 percent of four-year colleges and universities in the United States grant students credit, placement or both on the basis of successful AP Exam scores. But performing well on an AP Exam means more than just the successful completion of a course; it is the gateway to success in college. Research consistently shows that students who complete the AP course and participate in the AP exam typically experience greater academic success in college and improved graduation rates than their non-AP student peers.